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Root Quarterly Magazine

RQ Vol. 4 // Issue 4 // FATE


Meditations on our place in the universe, free will, pre-destination, and art by Cheryl Goldsleger, Josh Dorman, and Kiki Gaffney.

INSIDE: Heather Shayne Blakeslee on why we need a more human future //  Celestial destinations for universal experiences: tripping through space at the Fels Planetarium, expanding musical horizons with Ars Nova and Solar Myth bar, and a visit to the darkest place on the East Coast // Jared Michael Lowe introduces Keesean Moore’s vintage boutique and library // Diana Lu on witnessing a hometown tragedy from a distance through the mainstream media’s lens // Notes on fear, self-censorship, and artistic integrity from Salomé Sibonex // Artist Josh Dorman mixes the past and present, the real and imagined // Analysis on the zip code trap and place as prophecy by Lauren Earline Leonard // Artist Cheryl  Goldsleger returns to Philadelphia and explores chaos as connector // Erec Smith challenges our discourse of doom using agential fate // Cover artist Kiki Gaffney on finding inspiration in nature’s transformational shifts // Futuristic fiction from the past by Norman Arkawy, with illustrations by Christopher Spencer. // A snippet of Sam Harris and Lex Fridman talking robots and the ethics of AI